dijous, 6 de març del 2008

The Formal letter!

4 Plaça dels Homes
Castelló d’Empúries
18th January 2008

The headmistress
IES Castelló d’Empúries
Carrer del Rentador, 6
Catselló d’Empúries

Dear Mis. Pintó

We are writing this letter to tell you about the good and bad things of the IES Castelló d’Empúries. On the one hand we want to tell you that we are very happy in this high school, but on the other hand you also know that there are bad things and we are writing this letter to help you to improve these little things.

We are so proud about the level of the high school; our centre is one of the best of the Alt Empordà because a lot of people pass the selectivity with good marks.

We think that the computers and Beemer in class is a great initiative, because we can learn by using technology, also we can show our work and oral presentations.

First, years ago we don’t need more space, but now the new part of the centre helps us to study more calmly. The aspect of the centre is cold, but it is a nice atmosphere for studying because there aren’t colors but there is a lot of light.

We prefer the new technique of English class, because we have learned more, and we can speak with freedom.

The centre in general is correct because there aren’t problematic people and the people try to learn. The atmosphere is good, and this is thanks to the work of the Headmistress and the rest of the teachers.

You and we know that nothing in the life is perfect, for this reason we are going to tell you about the bad things of the centre.
In our opinion there are a lot of good teachers, but also there are teachers that don’t explain naturally and we don’t understand anything and they don’t do anything to explain better.

Be careful with the problems of the space if you want the high to grow.

We are proud to study in this beautiful centre and we encourage to you go on in the same way.

Thanks for all tese years.
Yours faithfully

(Pep Esteve and Jordi Lleixà)