dijous, 28 de febrer del 2008

Frankenstein: differences between the film and the book!

One difference between the film and the booh is that in the film the monster pull the heart of Elizabeth and in the book, the monster strangles the girl.
An other difference is that in the film Elizabeth has brown hair, and in the book she has blond hair.
In the book Justine was soprised and in the film the government kills Justine.
In the book Victor destroyed the female monster when he was building her for the monster, and in the film, the female monster comited suicide.
In the book, the monster has yellow skin and in the film the monster has a normal colour skin.
In the book, the monster builds a great fire and lies down on it to die, and in the book he died on the ice.
I think that the video is better than the book, because the murders are more terrifying.
In general, it's a good story!!